Itanium Architecture 시스템에서만 나타나는 오류로 /var/adm/messages 에 다음과 같은 오류메세지가 기록된다면 아래와 같이 처리하면 됨.

oracle(9581): floating-point assist fault at ip 40000000068c22c2
oracle(13763): floating-point assist fault at ip 40000000072b8081


It is possible to completely turn off the floating-point assist messages from the console (they are still written to /var/log/messages)
To do this, simply issue the command as "root":

$ dmesg -n4

To eliminate them also from /var/log/messages :

1. edit /etc/syslog.conf changing line:
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none               /var/log/messages
*.error;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none               /var/log/messages

This means any facility logging messages below error level will be suppressed

2. restart syslog
service syslog restart


Posted by pat98

Posted by pat98

사용자 삽입 이미지

요즘 울 나라 영화계가 불황이라고 하던데. 이런 영화만 계속 나와주면 그런말도 안 나올텐데.
 재개봉했다고 해서 기대 안하고 봤는데. 졸라 재미있슴. ㅎㅎ.
예지원인가 이 배우도 전에는 비호감 이었는데 급호감으로 바뀌었슴.
상당히 현실적으로 웃기고 가끔 나오는 상상하는 장면 같은 장면들도 재미있슴.
 안 보신 분들은 시간 되시면 꼭 보시라 ~~
Posted by pat98

사용자 삽입 이미지

요즘 열심히 펀드공부에 여념이 없는나.
바보같이 적금만 죽어라 붓느니, 최소 2배 정도 수익률은 올릴수 있는 펀드에 올인!!
오늘도 한국투자증권가서 피델리티 이베리아 펀드 가입하고 왔는데. 환헷지 어쩌구 어쩌구 나오니깐 좀 어렵더군.
역외펀드는 잘 알아보고 가입해야지 조건이 많아서 낭패볼수 있을 듯.
주식은 너무 살 떨려서 못하겠구. 똑똑하신 펀드매니저 님들을 믿는수 밖에.
이것저것 땡기는거 들다보니 어느새 10개가 되어 버렸네. 조정 좀 해야겠다.
Posted by pat98

2007. 4. 1. 22:03 아무거나

헌혈 했어요.

사용자 삽입 이미지

언제부터인가 나도 모르게 저절로 헌혈을 하게 되었는데 (군대 있을때도 한번도 안해 봤음 ^^ )
요즘엔 영화예매권도 주더군. 심심할때 써 먹을수 있을 듯.
헌혈의 집 가보면 의외로 성인들보다 가방 메고 온 학생들이 더 많음. (봉사활동 점수 때문인가? 아님 그냥 우리때와는 달리 인식이 많이 변해서 인가?
아무튼 헌혈하면 주기적으로 자기 건강도 체크할수 있고 좋은일 하는거 같은 기분이 든다.
아! 근데 오늘 황사 인간적으로 넘 심하더군. 중국애들은 뭐하나 도움되는게 없어~
Posted by pat98

32bit <-> 64bit 변환에 대한 문서



This document is created to provide all the details for changing word size from
32bit to 64bit. This document is a "cut/paste" of applicable sections from the
Oracle9i Database Migration guide (A96530-02), to quickly provide the needed
details and steps to change the word-size.

This note is applicable to Oracle 8.0.x, Oracle8i, Oracle9i and Oracle10g.

This note is not applicable for:

- databases having JVM installed in an Oracle8i, Oracle9i or Oracle10g environment, or
- Oracle Applications installed in an Oracle8i, Oracle9i or Oracle10g environment
To migrate these types of database, please check Note 183649.1

You can change the word-size of your Oracle database server during a migration,
upgrade, or downgrade operation. A change in word-size includes the following

You have 32-bit Oracle software installed on 64-bit hardware and want to
change to 64-bit Oracle software.

You have 64-bit Oracle software installed on 64-bit hardware and want to
change to 32-bit Oracle software.

If you are changing word-size during a migration, upgrade, or downgrade
operation then no additional action is required. The word-size is changed
automatically during any of these operations. However, if you want to change
the word-size within the same release, then follow the instructions in
"Changing the Word-Size of Your Current Release" below. For example, if you
have the 32-bit version of Oracle release 9.0.1 and you want to switch to the
64-bit version of Oracle release 9.0.1, then you must complete this procedure.
The following information applies if you are upgrading or downgrading your
hardware from 32-bit to 64-bit or from 64-bit to 32-bit:

If you want to upgrade your hardware, then you should be able to switch
from 32-bit hardware to 64-bit hardware and still use your existing
32-bit Oracle software without encountering any problems.

If you want to downgrade your hardware from 64-bit to 32-bit, then you
must first downgrade your Oracle software to 32-bit software before
downgrading your hardware.

The on-disk format for database data, redo, and undo is identical for the
32-bit and 64-bit installations of Oracle. The only internal structural
differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle installations are the

The compiled format of PL/SQL is different. The instructions for how and
when to recompile PL/SQL are provided in the appropriate chapters of
the Migration book. The storage format of user-defined types is based on the
release of Oracle that created the database. The existing storage format will
be converted to the correct format transparently when necessary. User-defined
types include object types, REFs, varrays, and nested tables.

Note: For Oracle 9.2

In the first release of the migration guide it is said that changing the
wordsize during upgrade or migration is not supported.  This is incorrect
a documentation bug has been logged for this.  Bug 2590998 explains the
error in the documentation.  This has been fixed in the second release of
Oracle 9I release 2 (9.2) Migration guide where it is correctly written
that changing wordsize during the migration or the upgrade is supported.

It is recomended to apply the latest patchset BEFORE the wordsize conversion.
This would avoid some bugs and also some steps in this note during the wordsize
conversion, like Bug 1867501 and Bug 1926809.


The instructions in this section guide you through changing the word-size of
your current release (switching from 32-bit software to 64-bit software or
vice versa).

Complete the following steps to change the word-size of your current release:

1. Start SQL*Plus.

2. Connect to the database instance AS SYSDBA.

3. Run SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE on the database:


   Issue the command for all instances if you are running Oracle Parallel


   NCHAR columns in user tables are not changed during the upgrade.
   To change NCHAR columns in user tables, see "Upgrade User NCHAR
   Columns" in the Migration guide. 


4. Perform a full offline backup of the database (optional, but highly

   See Also:

   Oracle9i User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide for more information. 

5. If you are using the same Oracle home for your current release and the
   release to which you are switching, then deinstall your current release
   using the Oracle Installer. You do not need to deinstall your current
   release if you are using separate Oracle home directories.

6. If you currently have a 32-bit installation, then install the 64-bit
   version of the same release. Or, if you currently have a 64-bit
   installation, then install the 32-bit version of the same release.


   Installation and deinstallation are operating system-specific. For
   installation and deinstallation instructions, see your
   Oracle9i operating system-specific installation documentation and
   the Oracle9i README for your operating system.

   Installation documentation can also be found at

7. Copy configuration files to a location outside of the old Oracle home:

   a. If your initialization parameter file resides within the old
      environment's Oracle home, then copy it to a location outside of the
      old environment's Oracle home. The initialization parameter file can
      reside anywhere you wish, but it should not reside in the old
      environment's Oracle home after you switch to the new release.

   b. If your initialization parameter file has an IFILE (include file)
      entry and the file specified in the IFILE entry resides within the
      old environment's Oracle home, then copy the file specified by the
      IFILE entry to a location outside of the old environment's Oracle
      home.  The file specified in the IFILE entry has additional
      initialization parameters. After you copy this file, edit the IFILE
      entry in the initialization parameter file to point to its new

   c. If you have a password file that resides within the old Oracle home,
      then move or copy the password file to the Oracle9i Oracle home.
      The name and location of the password file are operating
      system-specific; for example, on UNIX operating systems, the default
      password file is ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwsid, but on Windows platforms,
      the default password file is ORACLE_HOME\database\pwdsid.ora.
      In both cases, sid is your Oracle instance ID.


      For Oracle9i Real Application Clusters, perform this step on
      all nodes. Also, if your initdb_name.ora file resides within
      the old environment's Oracle home, then move or copy the
      initdb_name.ora file to a location outside of the old
      environment's Oracle home. 


8. Change your environment to point at the new 64Bit ORACLE_HOME.

     Note: Check with platform specific documentation if other env variables
           need to be changed e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH

9. If you are migrating an Oracle 8.0, Oracle8i or Oracle9i 9.0.x database
   then please make the following changes in the 64-bit ORACLE_HOME/dbs
   init$ORACLE_SID.ora file to prepare for migration:

    _system_trig_enabled= false

    Changing the first two parameters will avoid the problems detailed in
    Bug 1421476 and Bug 1816609

    The last parameter should be set to FALSE for scripts which perform
    dictionary operations as the objects on which the triggers depend may
    become invalid or be dropped, causing the triggers to fail and thus
    preventing the scripts from running successfully.

    See Note 149948.1 'IMPORTANT: Set "_SYSTEM_TRIG_ENABLED=FALSE" When
    Upgrading / Downgrading / Applying Patch Sets' for more info.

   If you are migrating an Oracle9i 9.2.0.x or Oracle10g database, go to
   step 10.

10. When migrating from a 32-bit Oracle version to a 64-bit Oracle version,
    Oracle recommends doubling the size of parameters such as:


    This is mainly due to an increase in the size of internal data structures.
    For an in-depth explanation of this, please see Note 209766.1
    'Memory Requirements of Databases Migrated from 32-bit to 64-bit'

11. At a system prompt, change to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory.

12. Start SQL*Plus.

13. Connect to the database instance AS SYSDBA.

14. If you are migrating an Oracle 8.0, Oracle8i or Oracle9i 9.0.x database,


    You may need to use the PFILE option to specify the location of your
    initialization parameter file.

    If you are migrating an Oracle9i 9.2.0.x database, run STARTUP MIGRATE:


    If you are migrating an Oracle10g database, run STARTUP UPGRADE:


15. Run the following script:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql

16. Check the validity of the DBMS_STANDARD package:

    SQL> select status from dba_objects
    where object_name='DBMS_STANDARD'
    and object_type='PACKAGE'
    and owner='SYS';

17. If the package is invalid, recompile it:

    SQL> alter package dbms_standard compile;

18. Run the following script:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql

    After running this script, check for invalid objects:

    SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type from dba_objects
    where status <> 'VALID';

    Recompile any invalid objects to avoid problems while running the
    utlirp.sql script (in step 20)

19. Set the system to spool results to a log file for later verification of

    SQL> SPOOL catoutw.log

    If you want to see the output of the script you will run on your screen,
    then you can also issue a SET ECHO ON statement:


20. Run utlirp.sql:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlirp.sql

    The utlirp.sql script recompiles existing PL/SQL modules in the format
    required by the new database. This script first alters certain
    dictionary tables. Then, it reloads package STANDARD and DBMS_STANDARD,
    which are necessary for using PL/SQL. Finally, it triggers a
    recompile of all PL/SQL modules, such as packages, procedures, types,
    and so on.

21. Turn off the spooling of script results to the log file:


    Then, check the spool file and verify that the packages and procedures
    compiled successfully. You named the spool file in Step 12; the suggested
    name was catoutw.log. Correct any problems you find in this file.

    If you specified SET ECHO ON, then you may want to SET ECHO OFF now:


22. If you are migrating an Oracle 8.0, Oracle8i or Oracle9i 9.0.x database,
    disable the restriction on sessions:


23. Shutdown the database. If you are migrating an Oracle 8.0, Oracle8i or
    Oracle9i 9.0.x database, remove the following parameter from init.ora


The word-size of your database is now changed.

You can open the database for normal use.


Note 214242.1 ORA-600 [17069] while running utlirp.sql converting to

Oracle 9i Database Migration Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96530-01 (HTML) -

Oracle 9i Datbase Migraiton Release 1 (9.0.1) Part Number A90191-02 (HTML) -

Oracle8i Migration Release 3 (8.1.7) Part Number A86632-01 (HTML) -

Oracle8 Migration Release 8.0 Part Number A58243-01 (HTML) -

Oracle Documentation Master Index -

Posted by pat98

Applies to:

Oracle Net Services - Version:
This problem can occur on any platform.


The Oracle Net 10g parameters SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT and INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername default to 0 (indefinite) in 10.1.  To address Denial of Service (DOS) issues,  the parameters were set to have a default of 60 (seconds) in Oracle 10.2.

If applications are longer than 60 secs to authenticate with the Oracle database, the errors occur.

The following may be seen in the alert log: WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)

SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT is set to a value in seconds and determines how long a client has to provide the necessary authentication information to a database.

INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername is set to a value in seconds and determines how long a client has to complete its connect request to the listener after the network connection has been established.

To protect both the listener and the database server, Oracle Corporation recommends setting INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername in combination with the SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT parameter.


Whenever default timeouts are assigned to a parameter, there may be cases where this default does not work well with a particular application. However, some type of timeout on the connection establishment is necessary to combat Denial of Service attacks on the database.  In this case, SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT__TIMEOUT and INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername were given default values of 60 seconds in Oracle 10.2.  It is these timeout values that can cause the errors described in this note.

Also note that it is possilbe the reason the database is slow to authenticate, may be due to an overloaded Oracle database or node.


Set the parameters SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT and INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername to 0 (indefinite) or to an approprate value for the application yet still combat DOS attacks (120 for example). 

These parameters are set on the SERVER side:
listener.ora: INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername

Further tuning of these parameters may be needed is the problem persists.

Posted by pat98

사용자 삽입 이미지

권투영화라고 생각하고 보면 오산이다.
제이크 라 모타 라는 실존 권투선수의 전기영화인데, 뭐 의처증에 관한 영화라고 해도 될듯.ㅋㅋ
마틴 스콜세지 감독의 1980년 작으로 수 많은 찬사가 모자른 작품이지만,
오프닝 하나는 정말 기가 막히게 멋졌다
Posted by pat98

사용자 삽입 이미지

U10 을 산지 일주일도 되지 않아 출시되어 버린 Clix. 게다가 U10이 1G가 14만원인데 Clix는 2G
15만 8천원. -_-; 냉큼 바꿔 버렸다. 1만원 손해 보고 옥션에 팔아버렸는데 탁월한 선택이었던듯.
설날 지나구. 2차 3차 예판까지 품절이 되어서 거의 한달이 지나서야 겨우 살수 있었다. 요 놈이 그렇게 인기가 있나? 뭐 2G 나 필요하겠어? 했는데 쩝 4G 로 살걸 약간은 아쉽다는.
아무튼 조작 쉽고 심플해서 마음에 드는 물건.
Posted by pat98

사용자 삽입 이미지

이렇게 비가 주룩주룩 오는 날에 잘 어울리는 곡. 창가에 기대어 폼 잡기 딱 좋다.
    Posted by pat98

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