8i, 9i, 10g, 11g 오라클 column 갯수의 제한은  1000개임.





Logical Database Limits


Item Type of Limit Limit Value
GROUP BY clause Maximum length The GROUP BY expression and all of the nondistinct aggregate functions (for example, SUM, AVG) must fit within a single database block.
Indexes Maximum per table Unlimited
Indexes Total size of indexed column 75% of the database block size minus some overhead
Columns Per table 1000 columns maximum
Columns Per index (or clustered index) 32 columns maximum
Columns Per bitmapped index 30 columns maximum
Constraints Maximum per column Unlimited
Subqueries Maximum levels of subqueries in a SQL statement Unlimited in the FROM clause of the top-level query

255 subqueries in the WHERE clause

Partitions Maximum length of linear partitioning key 4 KB - overhead
Partitions Maximum number of columns in partition key 16 columns
Partitions Maximum number of partitions allowed per table or index 1024K - 1
Rows Maximum number per table Unlimited
Stored Packages Maximum size PL/SQL and Developer/2000 may have limits on the size of stored procedures they can call. The limits typically range from 2000 to 3000 lines of code.

See Also: Your PL/SQL or Developer/2000 documentation for details

Trigger Cascade Limit Maximum value Operating system-dependent, typically 32
Users and Roles Maximum 2,147,483,638
Tables Maximum per clustered table 32 tables
Tables Maximum per database Unlimited

Posted by pat98

01-27 02:42
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