2013. 7. 28. 23:52 오라클
RAC GI 설치시 root.sh 시 에러
RAC GI 설치 시 에러
작업환경 : AIX 7.1 (PowerHA) Oracle RAC
1번 노드는 잘 진행이 되며 2번노드 에러 발생...요놈 원인 찾는라 시간 좀 걸림..
2번 서버 root.sh 실행시 에러발생
rac02-[root]:/# /oragrid/11.2.0/grid/root.sh
Performing root user operation for Oracle 11g
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /oragrid/11.2.0/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
Creating /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Using configuration parameter file: /oragrid/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
Creating trace directory
User ignored Prerequisites during installation
User grid has the required capabilities to run CSSD in realtime mode
OLR initialization - successful
root wallet
root wallet cert
root cert export
peer wallet
profile reader wallet
pa wallet
peer wallet keys
pa wallet keys
peer cert request
pa cert request
peer cert
pa cert
peer root cert TP
profile reader root cert TP
pa root cert TP
peer pa cert TP
pa peer cert TP
profile reader pa cert TP
profile reader peer cert TP
peer user cert
pa user cert
Failed to create a peer profile for Oracle Cluster GPnP. gpnptool rc=65280
Creation of Oracle GPnP peer profile failed for rac02Failed to create GPnP peer profile for rac02 at /oragrid/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_lib.pm line 4946.
/oragrid/11.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl -I/oragrid/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib -I/oragrid/11.2.0/grid/crs/install /oragrid/11.2.0/grid/crs/insta
ll/rootcrs.pl execution failed
/oragrid/product/grid/lib 에 link 되어 있는 libskgxn2.so libskgxnr.so 2개의 파일을 link 삭제후 (vendor clusterware가 설치되면 생기는 것들)
($GRID_HOME/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_<hostname>.log 를 검토해 보면 해당 library 들이
정상적으로 link 걸려 있으나 loading 하지 못해 에러남.
링크가 잘 걸려있기 때문에 전혀 의심을 안 했었음..
/opt/ORCLcluster/lib 에 있는 화일들을 /oragrid/product/grid/lib 로 직접 copy 한후 재작업 성공 !