'patchmgr'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2015.01.22 Exadata patchmgr help

2015. 1. 22. 11:30 오라클

Exadata patchmgr help

[EXA1]root@exa1:/root/patch_11. ./patchmgr -h
./patchmgr -cells cell_host_file
          [-patch_check_prereq | -rollback_check_prereq [-rolling] [-ignore_alerts]]
          [-patch | -rollback [-rolling] [-ignore_alerts]]

./patchmgr -ibswitches [ibswitch_list_file]
          <-upgrade | -downgrade> [-ibswitch_precheck] [-force]]

./patchmgr -h

         Displays this screen

  Cell patching and rollback
    The following options are supported for cell patching and(or) rollback:

    -cells cell_list_file
         Specifies the name of the cell list file. The file contains one
         cell hostname or ip per line. The cell patching will fail if the
         list file is not specified.

         Cleanup mode. Cleans up all patch files and temporary content on all
         cells.  Before cleaning up, collects logs and information for problem
         diagnostics and analysis. Cleaning up patch files can be done manually
         if patch fails by removing directory /root/_patch_hctap_ on each cell.

         Ignore any active hardware alerts on the Exadata cell and proceed with
         the patching.

         Applys the patch, including firmware updates, wherever possible (BIOS,
         Disk Controller and if possible disk drives) to all cells in the cell
         list file.
         Runs prerequisite check on all the cells to determine if the patch can
         be applied to the cells.

         Rolls back the patch.
         Runs prerequisite check on all the cells to determin if the cells can
         be rolled back for this specific patch.

         Applies the patch or executes the rollback in rolling fashion, one cell
         at a time.

         Environment variable EXA_PATCH_ACTIVATE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS controls the
         timeout value waiting for the grid disks to be activated.
         The default is set to 36000 (10 hours).
    -smtp_from "addr"
         The address patchmgr notification sent from.
         sendmail daemon must be started to send email notification.

    -smtp_to "addr1 addr2 addr3 ..."
         The address(es) patchmgr notification sent to.
         sendmail daemon must be started to send email notification.

  Infiniband switch upgrade and downgrade
    The following options are supported for infiniband switch upgrade and(or)
    -ibswitches [ibswitch_list_file]
         Specifies the name of the InfiniBand switch list file. The file has one
         switch hostname or ip per line. If no filename is provided, then it
         runs the command on all InfiniBand switches discovered from this host
         by running ibswitches command.

         Downgrade the InfiniBand switches in the list file to 1.3.3-2

         Specifies to proceed with the upgrade or downgrade even on non-critical
         Runs the pre-update validation checks on the InfiniBand switches in the
         list file.

         Upgrade the InfiniBand switches in the list file to 2.1.3-4


NOTE Cells will reboot during the patch or rollback process.
NOTE For non-rolling patch or rollback, ensure all ASM instances using
NOTE the cells are shut down for the duration of the patch or rollback.
NOTE For rolling patch or rollback, ensure all ASM instances using
NOTE the cells are up for the duration of the patch or rollback.

WARNING Do not start more than one instance of patchmgr.
WARNING Do not interrupt the patchmgr session.
WARNING Do not alter state of ASM instances during patch or rollback.
WARNING Do not resize the screen. It may disturb the screen layout.
WARNING Do not reboot cells or alter cell services during patch or rollback.
WARNING Do not open log files in editor in write mode or try to alter them.

Posted by pat98
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

03-03 16:55
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