2023. 9. 5. 15:29 오라클
ILOM 암호없이 접속
[PCA 2.x] How to Set Passwordless SSH Connection to Compute Node ILOM's from Management Nodes (Doc ID 2869125.1)
- 설정
set /SP/users/root/ssh/keys/2 load_uri=scp://root:Welcome1@
set /SP/users/root/ssh/keys/1 load_uri=scp://root:Welcome1@
인증서만 복사해주면 됨. 끝!!
- 확인
show /SP/users/root/ssh/keys/2
show /SP/users/root/ssh/keys/1
fingerprint = b5:e3:48:12:62:c2:4d:b6:4f:06:9c:ad:8f:24:05:38
fingerprint_algorithm = MD5
algorithm = ssh-rsa
embedded_comment = root@gtexadb01.co.kr
bit_length = 2048
load_uri = (Cannot show property)
clear_action = (Cannot show property)
안물어보는지 접속테스트 진행...
- 원복
set /SP/users/root/ssh/keys/1 clear_action=true
set /SP/users/root/ssh/keys/2 clear_action=true
- 해당 값의 의미
where n is the number of the ssh key you want to configure.
• transfer_method can be tftp, ftp, sftp, scp, http, or https.
• username is the name of the user account on the remote system. (username is required for scp, sftp, and ftp. username is not used for tftp, and is optional for http and https.)
• password is the password for the user account on the remote system. (password is required for scp, sftp, and ftp. password is not used for tftp, and is optional for http and https.)
• ipaddress_or_hostname is the IP address or the host name of the remote system.
• directorypath is the location of the SSH key on the remote system.
• filename is the name assigned to the SSH key file.