사용법 : ./mon.sh mon.sql 3 (수행간격)
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
elif [ $# -eq 2 ]
echo "Usage : mon.sh sql term";
while true
sqlplus -s '/ as sysdba' <<EOF
set linesize 200
set pause off
set pagesize 120
sleep $arg2
- mon.sql 화일내용
prompt ##################################################################################################################
prompt ========================================================
prompt = Session Wait
prompt ========================================================
col DB format 99
col sid format 999999
col serial# format 99999
col spid format a7
col cli_spid format a10
col process format a11
col event format a30
col p format a20
col W format 999
col program format a15
col C format a2
col blkSid format 99999
col object_name format a20
set linesize 170 pagesize 100 trimspool on
a.inst_id "DB",
a.sid, a.serial#,
(select p.spid from gv$process p where (a.inst_id = p.inst_id) and (a.paddr = p.addr)) spid, a.status,a.event,a.process as CLI_SPID,
decode(chr(bitand(a.p1,-16777216)/16777215)||chr(bitand(a.p1, 16711680)/65535),'TX',
chr(bitand(a.p1,-16777216)/16777215)||chr(bitand(a.p1, 16711680)/65535)||to_char( bitand(a.p1, 65535) )||','||
'usn.slot:'||bitand(a.p2, 4294901760)/65536||'.'||bitand(a.p2, 65535)||','||'wrap:'||a.p3,
a.p1||','||a.p2||','||a.p3),a.p1||','||a.p2||','||a.p3) P,
a.seconds_in_wait W,
substr(a.program,1,15) program,
decode(a.command,3,'S',2,'I',6,'U',7,'D',command) C,
a.blocking_session blkSid, -- comment out for
substr((SELECT NAME FROM V$LATCH WHERE LATCH# = p2 and event = 'latch free' ),1,10) LATCH_NAME
from gv$session a
where a.event not like 'SQL*Net message from client%'
and a.event not like 'rdbms ipc%'
and a.event not like 'smon timer'
and a.event not like 'pmon timer'
and a.event not like '%slave wait%'
and a.event not like 'lock manager wait for remote message'
and a.event not like 'PX Deq%'
and a.event not like 'null event'
and a.event not like 'gcs remote message'
and a.event not like 'ges remote message'
and a.event not like 'wakeup time manager'
and a.event not like 'Queue Monitor%Wait'
and a.event not like 'DIAG idle wait'
and a.event not like 'Streams AQ:%'
and a.sid <> (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1)
and a.wait_class <> 'Idle'
order by a.inst_id, a.event, a.sid
prompt ========================================================
prompt = v$latch_holder
prompt ========================================================
set linesize 150 pagesize 100 trimspool on
col name format a40
'[latch]'||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') dt,
from gv$latchholder
prompt ========================================================
prompt = 'Event summary' having count(*) >= 3
prompt ========================================================
col DB format 99
col event format a30
col count1 format 999,999
set linesize 150 pagesize 100 trimspool on
select '[event]'||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') dt,
a.inst_id "DB", a.event,count(*) as count1
from gv$session a
where a.event not like 'SQL*Net message from client%'
and a.event not like 'rdbms ipc%'
and a.event not like 'smon timer'
and a.event not like 'pmon timer'
and a.event not like '%slave wait%'
and a.event not like 'lock manager wait for remote message'
and a.event not like 'PX Deq%'
and a.event not like 'null event'
and a.event not like 'gcs remote message'
and a.event not like 'ges remote message'
and a.event not like 'wakeup time manager'
and a.event not like 'Queue Monitor%Wait'
and a.event not like 'DIAG idle wait'
and a.event not like 'Streams AQ:%'
and a.sid <> (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1)
group by a.inst_id, a.event
having count(*) >= 3
order by count(*) desc
--prompt ========================================================
--prompt = Program Info. having count(*) > 1
--prompt ========================================================
--col program format a40
--select '[program]'||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') dt,
-- program, count(*) as count1
-- from gv$session a
-- where a.event not like 'SQL*Net message from client%'
-- and a.event not like 'rdbms ipc%'
-- and a.event not like 'smon timer'
-- and a.event not like 'pmon timer'
-- and a.event not like '%slave wait%'
-- and a.event not like 'lock manager wait for remote message'
-- and a.event not like 'PX Deq%'
-- and a.event not like 'null event'
-- and a.event not like 'gcs remote message'
-- and a.event not like 'ges remote message'
-- and a.event not like 'wakeup time manager'
-- and a.event not like 'Queue Monitor%Wait'
-- and a.event not like 'DIAG idle wait'
-- and a.event not like 'Streams AQ:%'
-- and a.sid <> (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1)
-- group by program
-- having count(*) > 1
-- order by count(*) desc
----prompt ========================================================
----prompt = 'gc buffer busy' - p1, p2 , count
----prompt ========================================================
----select p1, p2, count(*) cnt
---- from gv$session
---- where event = 'gc buffer busy'
---- group by p1, p2
---- order by cnt desc
--prompt ========================================================
--prompt = 'gv$resource ' - MAX_UTILIZATION > 0.8 * INITIAL_ALLOCATION
--prompt ========================================================
--set linesize 150 pagesize 100 trimspool on
--col RESOURCE_NAME format a17
--from gv$resource_limit
--0.8*to_number( decode(INITIAL_ALLOCATION,' UNLIMITED','99999999999',INITIAL_ALLOCATION),'999999999999')
--and RESOURCE_NAME not in ('ges_cache_ress','ges_big_msgs','gcs_shadows','gcs_resources')
--order by INST_ID asc
prompt ========================================================
prompt = Session Count.
prompt ========================================================
set linesize 150 pagesize 100 trimspool on
col dt format a29
select '[ses_cnt]'||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') dt,
sum(decode(status,'ACTIVE',1))-1 "Active",
count(*) "Total"
from gv$session
where type <> 'BACKGROUND'
or username is not null
group by inst_id
order by inst_id asc
--prompt ========================================================
--prompt = Insert Session Wait
--prompt ========================================================
--col DB format 99
--col sid format 999999
--col serial# format 99999
--col process format a11
--col event format a30
--col p format a20
--col W format 999
--col program format a15
--col C format a2
--col blkSid format 99999
--col object_name format a20
--col spid format a6
--set linesize 170 pagesize 100 trimspool on
-- a.inst_id "DB",
-- a.sid, a.serial#,
-- (select p.spid from gv$process p where (a.inst_id = p.inst_id) and (a.paddr = p.addr)) spid, a.status,a.event,a.process as CLI_SPID,
---- decode(a.event,'enqueue',
---- decode(chr(bitand(a.p1,-16777216)/16777215)||chr(bitand(a.p1, 16711680)/65535),'TX',
---- chr(bitand(a.p1,-16777216)/16777215)||chr(bitand(a.p1, 16711680)/65535)||to_char( bitand(a.p1, 65535) )||','||
---- 'usn.slot:'||bitand(a.p2, 4294901760)/65536||'.'||bitand(a.p2, 65535)||','||'wrap:'||a.p3,
---- a.p1||','||a.p2||','||a.p3),a.p1||','||a.p2||','||a.p3) P,
-- a.seconds_in_wait W,
-- substr(a.program,1,15) program,
-- decode(a.command,3,'S',2,'I',6,'U',7,'D',command) C,
-- a.sql_id,
-- a.blocking_session blkSid,
-- substr((SELECT NAME FROM V$LATCH WHERE LATCH# = p2 and event = 'latch free' ),1,10) LATCH_NAME
-- from gv$session a
-- where a.event not like 'SQL*Net message from client%'
---- and a.event not like 'rdbms ipc%'
---- and a.event not like 'smon timer'
---- and a.event not like 'pmon timer'
---- and a.event not like '%slave wait%'
---- and a.event not like 'lock manager wait for remote message'
---- and a.event not like 'PX Deq%'
---- and a.event not like 'null event'
---- and a.event not like 'gcs remote message'
---- and a.event not like 'ges remote message'
---- and a.event not like 'wakeup time manager'
---- and a.event not like 'Queue Monitor%Wait'
---- and a.event not like 'DIAG idle wait'
---- and a.event not like 'Streams AQ:%'
-- and a.sid <> (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1)
-- and a.COMMAND = 2
-- and a.WAIT_TIME = 0 and a.SECONDS_IN_WAIT > 5
---- order by a.inst_id, a.event, a.sid
--prompt ========================================================
--prompt = DFS lock handle
--prompt ========================================================
--col DB format 99
--col inst format 99
--col b_inst format 99
--col sid format 999999
--col blk_sid format 999999
--col serial# format 99999
--col blk_seri format 99999
--col process format a11
--col Mode format a4
--col P2TEXT format a6
--col P3TEXT format a6
--col username format a9
--col W format 999
--col program format a15
--col machine format a10
--col blkSid format 99999
--col object_name format a20
--col spid format a6
--col dt format a29
--set linesize 170 pagesize 100 trimspool on
--select '[DFSlock]'||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') dt, inst_id as inst,chr(to_char(bitand(p1,-16777216))/16777215)||
-- chr(to_char(bitand(p1, 16711680))/65535) "Lock",
-- to_char( bitand(p1, 65535) ) "Mode", P2TEXT, P2, P3TEXT, P3,
--FROM gv$session
--WHERE event = 'DFS lock handle'
--prompt ========================================================
--prompt = Global Enqueue
--prompt ========================================================
--set numwidth 5
--col inst format 99
--column state format a8 tru;
--column event format a25 tru;
--select dl.inst_id as inst, s.sid, s.serial#,p.spid,s.username,s.program, dl.resource_name1,
--decode(substr(dl.grant_level,1,8),'KJUSERNL','Null','KJUSERCR','Row-S (SS)',
--'KJUSERCW','Row-X (SX)','KJUSERPR','Share','KJUSERPW','S/Row-X (SSX)',
--'KJUSEREX','Exclusive',request_level) as grant_level,
--decode(substr(dl.request_level,1,8),'KJUSERNL','Null','KJUSERCR','Row-S (SS)',
--'KJUSERCW','Row-X (SX)','KJUSERPR','Share','KJUSERPW','S/Row-X (SSX)',
--'KJUSEREX','Exclusive',request_level) as request_level,
--'KJUSERCA','Canceling','KJUSERCV','Converting') as state,
-- sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait W
--from gv$ges_enqueue dl, gv$process p, gv$session s, gv$session_wait sw
--where blocker = 1
--and (dl.inst_id = p.inst_id and dl.pid = p.spid)
--and (p.inst_id = s.inst_id and p.addr = s.paddr)
--and (s.inst_id = sw.inst_id and s.sid = sw.sid)
--order by sw.seconds_in_wait desc
--prompt ========================================================
--prompt = LOCK Blocking
--prompt ========================================================
--set verify off linesize 100
--col username format a10
--col sid format 999
--col lock_type format a18
--col mode_held format a11
--col mode_requested format a10
--col lock_id1 format a8
--col lock_id2 format a8
--select /*+ rule */ a.sid,
--'MR', 'Media Recovery',
--'RT', 'Redo Thread',
--'UN', 'User Name',
--'TX', 'Transaction',
--'TM', 'DML',
--'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock',
--'DX', 'Distributed Xact',
--'CF', 'Control File',
--'IS', 'Instance State',
--'FS', 'File Set',
--'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
--'ST', 'Disk Space TranX',
--'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
--'ST', 'Disk Space TranX',
--'TS', 'Temp Segment',
--'IV', 'Lib Cache Invalid',
--'LS', 'Log Start/Switch',
--'RW', 'Row Wait',
--'SQ', 'Sequence Number',
--'TE', 'Extend Table',
--'TT', 'Temp Table',
--a.type) lock_type,
--0, 'None', /* Mon Lock equivalent */
--1, 'Null', /* N */
--2, 'Row-S (SS)', /* L */
--3, 'Row-X (SX)', /* R */
--4, 'Share', /* S */
--5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', /* C */
--6, 'Exclusive', /* X */
--to_char(a.lmode)) mode_held,
--0, 'None', /* Mon Lock equivalent */
--1, 'Null', /* N */
--2, 'Row-S (SS)', /* L */
--3, 'Row-X (SX)', /* R */
--4, 'Share', /* S */
--5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', /* C */
--6, 'Exclusive', /* X */
--to_char(a.request)) mode_requested,
--to_char(a.id1) lock_id1, to_char(a.id2) lock_id2, BLOCK
--from v$lock a
--where a.type NOT IN ( 'MR','RT' )
--and (id1,id2) in
--( select b.id1, b.id2 from v$lock b
--where b.id1=a.id1
--and b.id2=a.id2
--and b.request > 0 )