2016. 9. 7. 11:21 오라클

oracle option enable

Oracle option enable/disable 방법

라이센스에 관련된 부분이니 민감한 부분임...

원래 DB 내리고 하라고 하는데 Single 이라 그런지 기동상태에서 해도 잘 되네??

But!!! alert log 살펴보면 해당 메세지 지속적으로 발생함.

Wed Sep 07 10:58:44 2016

WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.

 Binary of new process does not match binary which started instance

issue alter system set "_disable_image_check" = true to disable these messages

현재 인스상태 상태와 일치하지 않으므로 메세지 발생하게 됨.

내렸다 올리면 없어짐..

[oracle:/home/oracle]#chopt disable partitioning

Writing to /oracle/product/

/usr/bin/make -f /oracle/product/ part_off ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/

/usr/bin/make -f /oracle/product/ ioracle ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/

sys@TEST> set line 120;

sys@TEST> col parameter for A50

sys@TEST> col value for A20

sys@TEST> select parameter,value from v$option where parameter='Partitioning';

PARAMETER                                          VALUE

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------

Partitioning                                          FALSE

- 11.2

chopt enable dm  (Oracle Data Mining)

chopt disable dm

chopt enable dv (Database Vault)

chopt disable dv

chopt enable olap (Oracle OLAP)

chopt disable olap

chopt enable lbac (Oracle Label Security)

chopt disable lbac

chopt enable partitioning (Oracle Partitioning)

chopt disable partitioning

chopt enable rat (Real Application Testing)

chopt disable rat

- 12.1

chopt enable dm  (Oracle Data Mining)

chopt disable dm

chopt enable olap (Oracle OLAP)

chopt disable olap

chopt enable partitioning (Oracle Partitioning)

chopt disable partitioning

chopt enable rat (Real Application Testing)

chopt disable rat

- 해당 옵션 적용 여부 확인

set line 120;

col parameter for A50

col value for A20

select parameter,value from v$option where parameter='Partitioning';

select parameter,value from v$option where parameter='Active Data Guard';

- 해당 옵션 사용유무 확인

col name for A60

col version for A15

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%PARTITION%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%OLAP%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%TEXT%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%XDB%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%VAULT%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%REAL%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%LABEL%';

select name, version, last_usage_date,currently_used from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where upper(name) like '%ACTIVE%';

Posted by pat98

02-08 19:52
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