2007. 2. 8. 09:01 오라클

ORA-12540 check list


The purpose of this article is to explain why the 12500 error is raised
and mainly how the tuning of resource in the platform is very important
to solve this issue.
This a short and quick checklist to understand and solve this error.
An ORA/TNS-12540 could be related to 12500 error.


Microsoft platforms ( windows machines)

Understanding and Diagnostics for 12500 error on Windows Platform
TNS-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process
TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

These errors are related to physical usage of Oracle and OS resources :
Memory, Swap, Open files, Open sockets ...ect

The client receive this message error from the listener

The following actions may help to solve the problem when the error appear
after a longtime running:
- Increase memory and swap in the system
- Configure MTS and DCD
- Tune SGA / shared_pool_size parameter
Reduce the SGA size to a reasonable figure which allows the user
process to have enough memory to run.
- Increase processes parameter in the init.ora file
- Restart Listener/DB
- Check for any memory leak
- Tune microsoft TCP parameters in :
TcpTimedWaitDelay, MaxUserPortData and TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
- Try to set the /3GB switch in the BOOT.INI file to enable the 4GB feature.
Allowing a process to address 3GB and reserving 1GB for the kernel.
- Install the latest Windows Service Pack

If the error is persistent :
- Check the user who start the listener privileges.
- Check Oracle_Home and Oracle_SID
- The Oracle Service may be corrupt : Recreate The Oracle service by oradim command

Note 46001.1 Oracle Database and the Windows NT memory architecture
Note 171636.1 TNS-12500 TNS-12540 TNS-12560 TNS 510 Windows Error 8: Exec Format Error
Note 108180.1 Intermitent TNS-12540 Errors When Trying to Connect to oracle
Note 2064864.102 Troubleshooting TNS-12500 On Microsoft Windows NT
Note 118322.1 Basic MTS setup
Note 151972.1 Dead Connection Detection (DCD)
Posted by pat98

03-04 00:03
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