'relink'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2007.01.04 oracle relink하기 2

2007. 1. 4. 11:08 오라클

oracle relink하기

OS patch를 했거나, oracle engine 을 다른 서버로 통째로 copy 했을 경우 등에
relink 명령을 해주는데 이에 대한 설명이다.

Relinking occurs automatically under these circumstances

  • An Oracle product has been installed with an Oracle provided installer.
  • An Oracle patch set has been applied via an Oracle provided installer.

Relinking Oracle manually is suggested under these circumstances

  • An OS upgrade has occurred.
  • A change has been made to the OS system libraries. This can occur during the application of an OS patch.
  • A new install failed during the relinking phase.
  • Individual Oracle executables core dump during initial startup.
  • An individual Oracle patch has been applied with explicit relink instructions or the relink is integrated into the patch install script.

Steps to manually relink Oracle

  1. Logon and set environment variables:
    as oracle:
    source $csetsid
    env | grep ORA
  2. Verify and/or Configure the Unix Environment for Proper Relinking:
    Sun Solaris Oracle 7.3.x, 8.0.x, 8.1.x or 9.0.x:
    • Ensure that /usr/ccs/bin is before /usr/ucb in $PATH:
      which ld
      ( should return "/usr/ccs/bin/ld" )
    • Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include $ORACLE_HOME/lib
    • If using 64bit Oracle, LD_LIBRARY_PATH should also include $ORACLE_HOME/lib64.
  3. Verify the correct absolute path for $ORACLE_HOME
    env | grep ORACLE_HOME
  4. Before relinking Oracle, shutdown all the databases and the listener.
  5. Run the OS Commands to Relink Oracle:
    • Oracle 7.3.x
      • For executables: oracle, exp, imp, sqlldr, tkprof
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
        make -f ins_rdbms.mk install
      • For executables: svrmgrl, svrmgrm
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/svrmgr/lib
        make -f ins_svrmgr.mk linstall minstall
        linstall is for svrmgrl, minstall is for svrmgrm
      • For executables: sqlplus
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib
        make -f ins_sqlplus.mk install
      • For executables: dbsnmp, oemevent, oratclsh
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_agent.mk install
      • For executables: names, namesctl
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_names.mk install
      • For executables: tnslsnr, lsnrctl, tnsping, csmnl, trceval, trcroute
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_network.mk install
    • Oracle 8.0.x
      • For executables: oracle, exp, imp, sqlldr, tkprof, mig, dbv, orapwd, rman, svrmgrl, ogms, ogmsctl
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
        make -f ins_rdbms.mk install
      • For executables: sqlplus
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib
        make -f ins_sqlplus.mk install
      • For executables: dbsnmp, oemevent, oratclsh, libosm.so
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_oemagent.mk install
      • For executables: tnslsnr, lsnrctl, namesctl, names, osslogin, trcasst, trcroute
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_network.mk install
    • Oracle 8.1.x or 9.0.xA "relink" script ( 8i new feature ) is provided in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:-or-
      • For executables: oracle, exp, imp, sqlldr, tkprof, mig, dbv, orapwd, rman, svrmgrl, ogms, ogmsctl
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
        make -f ins_rdbms.mk install
      • For executables: sqlplus
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib
        make -f ins_sqlplus.mk install
      • For executables: dbsnmp, oemevent, oratclsh
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_oemagent.mk install
      • For executables: names, namesctl
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_names.mk install
      • For executables: osslogin, trcasst, trcroute, onrsd, tnsping
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_net_client.mk install
      • For executables: tnslsnr, lsnrctl
        cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
        make -f ins_net_server.mk install
    • You still have the option of running the "make" commands independently:
    • cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

      usage: relink >parameter<
      accepted values for parameter: all, oracle, network, client, client_sharedlib,
              interMedia, precomp, utilities, oemagent

      i.e. You can relink ALL executables with the following command: relink all
      bug 1337908 : on Solaris with Oracle 8.1.6, also do: relink utilities
  6. How to tell if relinking was successful:
    If relinking was successful, the make command will eventually return to the OS prompt without an error. There will not be a "Relinking Successful" type message.

If you receive an error message during relinking:

Relinking errors usually terminate the relinking process and contain verbage similar to the following:
Fatal error', 'Ld: fatal', 'Exit Code 1
Posted by pat98
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

03-03 16:55
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