'ahfctl'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2025.01.09 AHF Auto Upgrade 하기

이전에 한번 테스트한 적이 있는데 새로 할려니 방법이 약간 달라진거 같아 다시 테스트겸 기록한다.

--- AHF Auto Upgrade 하기

1. /u01/ahf 에 최신화일 업로드 (AHF-LINUX_v24.11.1) <---- 아무데나 올려도 상관없다.

2. 현재버전 확인
ahfctl version

This version of AHF is older than 180 days
Please set software stage location using ahfctl setupgrade and then upgrade using ahfctl upgrade
AHF version: 24.5.0

3. Configuration Parameter 설정
ahfctl setupgrade -swstage /u01/ahf -autoupgrade on 

This version of AHF is older than 180 days
Please set software stage location using ahfctl setupgrade and then upgrade using ahfctl upgrade
AHF autoupgrade parameters successfully updated
WARNING - AHF Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading AHF to the latest version using ahfctl upgrade.
Successfully synced AHF configuration

refreshConfig() completed successfully.
eted successfully.

4. Upgrade 시작 (좀 걸림..대략 20~30분 소요)
ahfctl upgrade

Initiating Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) auto upgrade
/u01/ahf/AHF-LINUX_v24.11.1.zip found at stage location: /u01/ahf
/u01/ahf/AHF-LINUX_v24.11.1.zip successfully extracted at /u01/ahf
AHF software signature has been validated successfully
Starting to upgrade Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) from 2405000_202406261156 to 2411100_202501080055

AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64

AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_2411100_20606_2025_01_09-21_23_47.log

Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation

AHF Version: 24.11.1 Build Date: 202501080055

AHF is already installed at /opt/oracle.ahf

Installed AHF Version: 24.5.0 Build Date: 202406261156

Upgrading /opt/oracle.ahf

Shutting down AHF Services

Upgrading AHF Services

Starting AHF Services
No new directories were added to TFA
Directory /u01/app/oracle/crsdata/ocfs1/trace/chad was already added to TFA Directories.

| Host  | TFA Version | TFA Build ID          | Upgrade Status |
| ocfs1 | | 241110020250108005535 | UPGRADED       |
| ocfs2 | | 240500020240626115602 | NOT UPGRADED   |

Setting up AHF CLI and SDK

AHF is successfully upgraded to latest version

Moving /tmp/ahf_install_2411100_20606_2025_01_09-21_23_47.log to /u01/app/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/ocfs1/diag/ahf/

Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) successfully upgraded from 2405000_202406261156 to 2411100_202501080055

5. 업그레이드 된 버전 확인
ahfctl version

AHF version: 24.11.1

끝 !!!

Posted by pat98
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

03-03 20:36
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