Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later   [Release: 10.2 and later ]
Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) - OS Version: 7
Microsoft Windows (32-bit) - OS Version: 7
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) - Version: 2008 R2


To explain how to install Oracle Client software on Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2.

NOTE:  Oracle 10g R2 (10.2) Client Software was NOT supported on Windows 7 (32/64 bit) or Windows 2008 R2 (32/64 bit) when it was initially released.  These OS's were not available at that time.  Oracle decided to start supporting them with the release of the patch.  Please review the following Statement of Direction for more details:

Note 1061272.1 Statement of Direction: Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Client ( with Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2


How To Install 32-bit Oracle Client Software on Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit) or Windows 2008 R2 (32 or 64-bit)

  1. Download the following base software from TechNet:
         Oracle Database 10g Client Release 2 ( (616,757,461 bytes)

  2. Extract the software.  Browse the extracted files and find setup.exe which is located inside the Disk1 folder.

  3. Open a Command Prompt, change to the location where setup.exe resides and issue the following command:

         C:\Temp\10203\client\Disk1> setup.exe -ignoreSysprereqs -ignorePrereq

    NOTE:  The parameters are CASE-SENSITIVE and must be entered EXACTLY as shown above.

    These flags attempt to suppress any Windows 7/2008 R2 warnings from being raised about the OS not being compatible with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).  Even if warnings are raised when running the OUI you will still be able to proceed with the software installation (i.e. click the Next button).

  4. After the software installation completes, you must download the patch and apply it.

    1. Log into My Oracle Support.

    2. Click on the Patches & Updates tab.

    3. In the Patch Search section set Patch Name or Number to 8202632.

    4. Set the Platform to Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

    5. Click Search.

    6. Download the following patch:


      NOTE:  Do not be confused by the name of the patch containing the words Oracle Database Server.  This patch is used to upgrade BOTH Oracle Client AND Oracle Database software.

    7. Once the patch has been downloaded, extract the patch.  Browse the extracted files and run setup.exe, which is located inside the Disk1 folder, to install the patch.

      NOTE:  When the OUI asks you to Specify Home Details be sure the choose your EXISTING Oracle Home installed in Step 3.  If you do not see the correct Name and Path to your current Oracle Home, click the drop-down button and choose it from the list.  DO NOT attempt to install this patch into a NEW Oracle Home.

  5. Once the patch has been applied you will be running a supported version of 32-bit 10g R2 client software on a Windows 7/Windows 2008 R2 OS.

How To Install 64-bit Oracle Client Software on Windows 7 (64-bit) or Windows 2008 R2 (64-bit)

  1. Download the following base software from TechNet:
         Oracle Database 10g Client Release 2 ( (507,934,134 bytes)

  2. Extract the software.  Browse the extracted files and find setup.exe which is located inside the Disk1 folder.

  3. Open a Command Prompt, change to the location where setup.exe resides and issue the following command:

         C:\Temp\10204\client\Disk1> setup.exe -ignoreSysprereqs -ignorePrereq

    NOTE:  The parameters are CASE-SENSITIVE and must be entered EXACTLY as shown above.

    These flags attempt to suppress any Windows 7/2008 R2 warnings from being raised about the OS not being compatible with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).  Even if warnings are raised when running the OUI you will still be able to proceed with the software installation (i.e. click the Next button).

  4. After the software installation completes, you must download the patch and apply it.

    1. Log into My Oracle Support.

    2. Click on the Patches & Updates tab.

    3. In the Patch Search section set Patch Name or Number to 8202632.

    4. Set the Platform to Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit).

    5. Click Search.

    6. Download the following patch:


      NOTE:  Do not be confused by the name of the patch containing the words Oracle Database Server.  This patch is used to upgrade BOTH Oracle Client AND Oracle Database software.

    7. Once the patch has been downloaded, extract the patch.  Browse the extracted files and run setup.exe, which is located inside the Disk1 folder, to install the patch.

      NOTE:  When the OUI asks you to Specify Home Details be sure the choose your EXISTING Oracle Home installed in Step 3.  If you do not see the correct Name and Path to your current Oracle Home, click the drop-down button and choose it from the list.  DO NOT attempt to install this patch into a NEW Oracle Home.

  5. Once the patch has been applied you will be running a supported version of 64-bit 10g R2 client software on a Windows 7/Windows 2008 R2 OS.

Posted by pat98
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

03-03 16:55
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