crs_stat has been deprecated in 11gR2

While reading whats new and whats deprecated in Oracle 11gR2, I came across of the following:

  • Command crs_stat has been deprecated  in 11gR2, do not use it anymore, to find out all user resource state use, $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t
  •  By default ora.gsd is OFFLINE if there's no 9i database in the cluster, ora.oc4j is OFFLINE in as Database Workload Management(DBWLM) is unavailable.

By the way, in 11gR2 or above, you can use the below command to find out the clusterware process state:

  • $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t -init
Posted by pat98

Linux 11g R2 설치시 간단한 것이지만 바보짓을 할수 가 있네요.

이전 버전들에는 압축되어 있는 화일을 풀면 자동으로 /Disk1, Disk2 이런식으로 알아서 디렉토리가 생성되었지만 11g 압축화일은 화일 2개가 같은 내용이므로 같은 디렉토리에 풀면 됨. (풀면 쭈욱 /database 밑에 생성)

다시 말해 덮어 씌어지는 것이 아니라 이어서 다음 소스가 압축이 풀림.

$ unzip
$ unzip

1번만 풀고 runInstaller 실행시키면

경로에 소스가 없다면서 에러가 남. 당연한 얘기 2번 화일에 다음 화일들이 이어지므로..

during unzip you will see the following line on the screen:
creating: database/stage/Components/oracle.jdk/
creating: database/stage/Components/oracle.jdk/
creating: database/stage/Components/oracle.jdk/
creating: database/stage/Components/oracle.jdk/
inflating: database/stage/Components/oracle.jdk/

해봤어? 정주영 말처럼 ㅋㅋ

Posted by pat98
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

01-03 07:06
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