'Error 4 opening dom ASM/Self'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2021.01.13 Error 4 opening dom ASM/Self

19C: While Executing Root.sh on Remote Nodes HIT UNEXPECTED "ERROR 4 OPENING DOM ASM/SELF IN 0x57f7d60" (Doc ID 2571719.1)

19c rac 설치시 root.sh 실행시 1번노드 정상 수행후 Remote node 에서 아래와 같은 에러 발생!!

2021/01/13 16:23:15 CLSRSC-4002: Successfully installed Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.

2021/01/13 16:24:09 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 13 of 19: 'InstallAFD'.

2021/01/13 16:24:54 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 14 of 19: 'InstallACFS'.

2021/01/13 16:25:45 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 15 of 19: 'InstallKA'.

2021/01/13 16:25:46 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 16 of 19: 'InitConfig'.

2021/01/13 16:25:57 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 17 of 19: 'StartCluster'.

2021/01/13 16:26:54 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack

2021/01/13 16:26:54 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 18 of 19: 'ConfigNode'.

2021/01/13 16:27:21 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 19 of 19: 'PostConfig'.

2021/01/13 16:27:47 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

Error 4 opening dom ASM/Self in 0x9b596c0

Domain name to open is ASM/Self 

Error 4 opening dom ASM/Self in 0x9b596c0

알려진 버그로 무시가능..

Posted by pat98
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

06-02 11:55
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